Friday, 12 October 2012

October 10, 2012 - Third Class Reflections

October 10, 2012

Our third class centered around the "Convergence of Technology", "Presuming Competence" and "Communication".  Through class discussion we were able to understand that the new technologies of devices, such as the Ipad, Ipod and some other tablets have brought many technologies to be available on one device. For example, the new Ipad is a camera, scan device, can do text to speech, video recorder etc. It has become a device to replace many other devices or programs that might have been used in the past in our everyday lives and in our schools.  The link below to the Apple Canada website discusses their products, including the Ipad and the new Ipod.
The diagram below displays the "Convergence of Technology" - which Wikipedia describes as " is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve toward performing similar tasks. Convergence can refer to previously separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications), and video that now share resources and interact with each other synergistically."
The other part of our class discussed "Presuming Competence". We watched a powerful video of Carly. (short video below) It really demonstrated that, despite communication barriers we need to continue to work at developing a parallel means of communication with our students.  Carly's story is truly inspiring. As discussed in class, effective Communication has to have three parts : 1)Engaged Communication Partner 2)Joined Attention and 3)Common Language.  Communication can be Verbal, such as face to face, on the phone etc. It can be Non-Verbal, such as with body language or gestures (sign language). It also can be written, such as texting. No matter the means of communication the general desired outcome or goal of any communication is for the sender and receiver to have understanding.  Our class began our first major assignment with working with an App called Proloquo2Go with the Ipad. It provides students that may be non-verbal with a means to communicate that can be understood by many. Excellent App, one in which I have had some experience introducing to a student a few years ago. Although we were at the beginning stages of the Ipod being used with this App, years later he is now effectively communicating to others we great success.  Having the means to communicate to others is a critical part of life for all of us.

Next weeks class we will continue to work with the App Proloquo2Go for the Ipad. We have a case study and are to use the program to develop an effective means of communication. Below is an older video describing the App.  It is not the best quality but gives an overview of the program.
Looking forward to working with the App next week.

I end this weeks blog with one of many quotes about effective communication,
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said. "
Peter Drucker

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